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Research & Analysis
Synergised Solutions Ltd, design and deliver bespoke research analysis, combining qualitative and quantitative research to understand the breadth and depth of the concerns outlined within an organisation.
We engage with a broad range of individuals across the organisation's workforce; this enables us to fully establish the concerns that may be have been identified.
We believe wholeheartedly in the importance of effective communications, to enable a thorough understanding of the objectives of the research undertaken.
We work with a cross-section of steering groups to identify a cross selection of participants from every work stream e.g., Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic, LGBTQi+, Disabillity etc., in order to scope out the key themes that will help inform and shape the methodology and overall objectives.
As part of the process, we conduct focus groups that enable and drive the rigour and robustness of the research. During these focus groups, we will use a range of evidence-based interview techniques such as, critical incident techniques and reparatory grids to identify culturally sensitive incidents experienced and witnessed across various people management processes:
Performance Management
Disciplinary Procedures
Learning and Development
Recruitment and Selection
Pay and Staff Progression
Using our innate research and analysis skills, we endeavour to enable the organisation to embrace all their change initiatives.
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