#EthnicityPayGap Campaign
It has been over 2.5 years since one of our managing partners (Dianne Greyson) founded the
#EthnicityPayGap Campaign. Not much has changed since the campaign started. Only 23% of businesses have reported their Ethnicity Pay Gap in the UK. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) calculated that in October the Ethnicity Pay Gap ranged from 23.8% in London to 9.5% in the North East England.
Synergised Solutions believes that businesses should take an active role to make positive changes in their organisations. We ask for all organisations to look into their Ethnicity Pay Gap and create an action plan to eradicated the gap that exists. We also ask the government to make Ethnicity Pay Gap reporting mandatory.

Lord Simon's Quote on Ethnicity Pay Gap

Baroness Ruby's quote on Ethnicity Pay Gap

Lord Simon's Quote on Ethnicity Pay Gap
#EthnicityPayGap Campaign - Events
#EthnicityPayGapReporting: "Without data transparency there will be no progress, just more warm words. We need actions - and action number one is ethnicity pay reporting. For those who say it is too complicated, it really is not, it now just needs to be done." ~Baroness Ruby Macgregor-Smith~
This is the 3rd and Final Webinar in the #EthnicityPayGap series. Come join Synergised Solutions and specialist in his field, Anthony Horrigan, CEO and Founder of Spktral.
During this informative webinar, Anthony will discuss:
• Collect - How to get a good return rate, data gathering and categorisation
• Analyse - Discover the best way to analyse, common mistakes and best practice - Improve representation using insights uncovered from your data
• Closing the Gap - How to get a good return rate, data gathering and categorisation
Book your free ticket: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ethnicitypaygap-webinar-get-to-grips-with-your-ethnicity-data-tickets-145905381925?aff=ebdssbeac

Synergised Solutions hosted the second in a series of webinars on the Ethnicity Pay Gap.
This was held on the 7th January 2021 as a precursor to the Ethnicity Pay Gap Day on the 8th January 2021.
Panellists: Sarah Churchman, Emma Palmer and Siobhan Corria, will share their experiences in capturing and reporting on Ethnicity Pay Gap data
Synergised Solutions recently hosted a webinar and discussion that was led by our Junior Associate and Millennial Ambassador for the #EthnicityPayGap movement.
We believe it is important for all generations to talk about this subject matter as, they will be the one's carrying the torch to shine a light on this disparity long after we have retired or no longer in the field fighting this longstanding inequality.
Please see to the right the flyer for our first webinar: