Synergised Solutions provides aligned and meaningful business solutions, empowering and motivating your workforce towards organisational success.
We are a team of HR and D&I specialists with over 30 years combined experience working with multinationals, top tier consultancies, developing and progressive government and public sector agencies. Throughout our careers, we have worked across the UK, Europe, USA, Caribbean, UAE and Australia delivering consultancy interventions and keynote presentations in the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Paris and USA.
We are a values based organisation with integrity and passion as our foundation stone in delivering solution-focused results. Using our knowledge and experience in emotional intelligence, authentic leadership and mindfulness; we create a holistic approach in our Diversity and Inclusion programme, which allows organisations to create an equitable platform that promotes honest and open dialogue during the implementation of culturally sensitive change initiatives.
Our underlying ethos is that organisations should aim for synergy within their workforce infrastructure, ensuring progression and organisational growth. We believe that innovation within organisations will come from their ability to maximise potential and growth throughout their workforce.
EMPOWER: We believe empowering all individuals to understand and navigate sensitive subjects within the workplace, by increasing the capacity of individuals and groups: enabling them to make informed choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes.
ALIGN: We seek to illuminate the gaps between personal values and organisational practices in a way that supports effective and harmonious working relationships.
TRANSFORM: We seek to transform difficult workplaces, and by engaging with individuals, we can evoke and raise a higher motivation and value-led leadership style, encouraging them to make desired changes, to improve their current outcomes.

JACQUELINE A. HINDS: A highly experienced and certified EQ Specialist, Master Trainer EISAP2.0 EQ Certification programme, coach, leadership consultant, writer and author of Journey to Empowerment: Tackling the Bullies Within. Jacqueline has over 30 years' experience leading and developing senior teams across both the public and private sector. Her expertise lies within Human Resource Development across the ED&I landscape, utilising her skills in Emotional Intelligence coaching and assessments, as well as Menopause training for workplace wellbeing. Her breadth and depth of knowledge and experience within the corporate, healthcare third sector and social justice arena, has helped with the work she is currently undertaking within domestic violence against women and girls and more recently she has been involved in supporting domestic homicide reviews (DHRs). Jacqueline is Chair of the Board of Trustees for PLIAS Resettlement, Expert DHR Panel Member and a Senior Assessor with the College of Policing.

DIANNE GREYSON: A highly skilled business consultant, writer, and the author of the Business Culture Review. Dianne has over 20 years’ experience in HR, her expertise lies around Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, HR Strategy, Research, Training & Development. She is also a qualified mediator and coach who has developed her own mediation process, which works outside the disciplinary and grievance procedure (Mindful Mediation) and has recently been accredited as a Certified EISAP2.0 Practitioner (CEP). Dianne is a Non-Exec Director at Spktral, Senior Associate at Genius Within (Neurodiversity Consultancy). She is also Advisory Board Member of ShareAction Committee Member Equality Trust, Advisory Board Member for the Society of Emotional Intelligence International UK & Europe and committee Equal Pay Alliance.