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Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity
Our Principles and Strategy
Synergised Solutions Ltd is an Equality Diversity and Acceptance organisation (EDA). EDA is what drives us to create new initiatives that benefit not just an organisation but the people within it.
We strive for acceptance of self, encouraging self worth and self development amongst those with protected characteristics. We empower organisations to accept their responsibility to ensure that all within the organisation are treated fairly with equal value and respect. Our programmes are bespoke to the organisation and the ethos and, each programme is steeped in research and development with a very practical delivery component that enables individuals and organisations to have difficult conversations and take the next step to positive change.
In the last 10 years, there has been little or no significant change made in the areas of ED&I. Synergised Solutions Ltd made a deliberate decision to set about working on what we felt was needed to make ED&I programmes impactful and easy to embed in any organisation. We have created a suite of programmes one of which is part of our signature offering Transforming Bias Change Programme™. It encompasses Equality Diversity and Acceptance and it is driven by exceptional content. The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. Organisations need to demonstrate that they are adhering to the laws that have been laid out. It is noticeable, that some organisations have not been following the law but have been flouting it.
In the Race in the Workplace review conducted by Baroness McGregor-Smith, it provides a clear road map for successful implementation of your D&I strategy, making your organisation a positive inclusive space. Many of the processes highlighted in Baroness McGregor-Smith's review are mirrored in our programme. We have used lived experiences to guide, create and enhance our knowledge within then HR/People Management arena in order to design our programmes.
We believe the future is Transforming Bias and, the time for change is now!
Sign up today for a consultation, complete the form below and we can start the conversation and process with you.

Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can support you and your organisational needs.